The last and the next 20 months ......
Did you know we have been open for 20 months now?
How fast has that gone?!
It has been so fantastic seeing the community of makers, sewers, knitters, and all come together and use Make for what it is here to do, bring people together.
In that time we have sold over 8000 pieces of cake, taught over 600 people new skills in the workshops and sold over 950 metres of fabric.
It has been a busy time!
The Current ......
We are pretty excited about what is to come to be honest with you. We are making a few changes as we now think we know just what you guys like and when you want to come and see us.
After such a busy time we need to take a day out to be able to fit everything in. As of next week we will be taking a planning day a week and closing on a Tuesday.
This will give me plenty of time to plan the workshops, get out in the world and find the best and most delicious fabric and it'll give Kim the time to catch up on all of the cake making needed to fuel all of your creating.
Did you know we have been open for 20 months now?
How fast has that gone?!
It has been so fantastic seeing the community of makers, sewers, knitters, and all come together and use Make for what it is here to do, bring people together.
In that time we have sold over 8000 pieces of cake, taught over 600 people new skills in the workshops and sold over 950 metres of fabric.
It has been a busy time!
Our New Opening Times
We now know when you lot are coming to visit us and so we have tweaked our cafe times to make sure we are there when you need us and our cake!
Along side our new cafe times we will be bringing you a new menu with some new fresh flavours to go alongside our Make favourites.
And the next 20 months ........
All the best of Make is staying, Make Creatives every Wednesday until 9 pm. come and join us for a day of making and creating with like minded people.Make Sewcial will be returning to us in the spring with a fantastic programme already in the planning.
Big plans for this year, we are opening up the space for pop up shops for local makers, inviting applications for the rental of our workshop space and we are looking into the Big Event of the Make year ....... The Make suppliers fayre.
All in the planning and all coming soon so keep an eye out and let us know if there is anything you'd like to see us do.
Thanks for the last 20 months and here's to the next.......
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